Ayurveda – What you need to know about your honey!

Known in Ayurveda to be heating for the body, thus great for healing colds and boosting your immune system. It is important in Ayurvedic nutrition to not heat honey, never using it to cook or bake, and choosing to use it in your food, drinks, tea and porridge once your food or drink has cooled. Heating honey changes the chemical structure of this wonderful substance, so it’s important to keep it nice and cool as nature created it.

Honey is known to be poison when heated and a medicine when used properly & used un-heated.

Use organic Rapadura sugar, coconut sugar or palm sugar instead. Those sugars are unprocessed, high in nourishing minerals and vitamins and can handle being heated to high temperatures.

Enjoy your honey with intelligence & always purchase RAW honey, so that you can be guaranteed that it hasn’t been heat treated and still contains all the healing goodies it was created with!

Ayurvedic Superfood Energy balls!

This was a new creation that I made for the recent SoulFire Spirit Adventure & Wholesome Loving Goodness retreat last week at Fraser Island. They were a hit!

Certified Organic Ingredients:

  • 10 Medjool dates1 handful of raisins
  • 10 Blanched almonds1/4 cup of toasted sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon1 tsp of cardamon powder
  • 1 tsp of fennel seeds
  • Half a tsp of ginger powder
  • 3-4 tblsp’s of coconut oil
  • 1.5 cup’s of desiccated coconut
  • A dash of organic vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp of Organic Brahmi herb (For the brain!)
  • 1 tsp of Organic Shatavari herb (For hormonal balance).


  1. Place ingredients in a food processor & blend for a few minutes until all ingredients are mixed.
  2. Roll into balls, and then roll the balls in a bowl of desiccated coconut to give them a finishing touch!

These balls are rich & full of energy. A great afternoon or mid-morning snack for a spicy, sweet, Ayurvedic inspired boost of energy!

Enjoy ♥ x

(Note: It is still possible to make these balls, without a food processor. If you do this, you need to cut the dates into small pieces and let them sit for a few minutes in a small amount of warm water to soften them slightly. Then cut the almonds into small pieces, add the other ingredients and mix in a large bowl with your hands! Keep mixing until creamy!)