A bowl FULL of LOVE. Guest Interview with Ayurvedic Chef Stephen Galpin

There are many ways to be of service in this world…

Some choose to serve in third world countries, contributing to the quality of life and love in communities that have limited resources.

Some serve their country, some feed the poor, some sacrifice their own wellbeing in protest for the environment, mother nature and the wellbeing of others.

There are so many ways to be of service, through our thoughts, words and actions every single day.

Drum-roll please… Make a warm cup of Tumeric Chai, grab your blankey and get cosy as we take some time with a true teacher of the spirit of service.

Chef Stephen Galpin, our Wholesome Loving Goodness featured guest this month, is of service through LOVE-FILLED food and wisdom.

Stephen’s cooking of delightful ~ spice, ghee, LOVE infused offerings have a way of transforming the ‘eater’ the ‘receiver’ of this truly divine cuisine.

This morning as I enjoyed a bowl of his amazing porridge for breakfast at the Mudita Ayurveda and Mindfulness retreat in Byron Bay that I work on each year, I was reminded of the power of porridge, the power of infusing LOVE into your cooking. I was so inspired that as soon as I finished the bowl of creamy, vanilla, saffron polenta I swiftly walked to my car, got my laptop, turned it on and began writing these words in honour and praise of this amazing Chef, teacher and master of devotional cooking.

About six months ago I did an interview with Stephen. I asked him some questions about the life of being an Ayurvedic chef, his inspiration, his perspective on this gorgeous food and offering of love that he shares. He graciously agreed to share this information with me, with you – the Wholesome Loving Goodness tribe!

In nature there is a divine timing for when a fruit is ripe, when a flower opens, when the rain falls and when the sun rises. This divine timing cannot be forced or controlled.

This interview has had it’s own divine timing.

The time has come, it is the spring of introducing you to this great master and teacher of  Ayurvedic cooking, spirituality, philosophy, culinary expertise & love.

I am delighted to introduce you to a teacher of devotion, spirit and service…

Stephen’s porridge is bowl-licking good!

How did you first come to discover Ayurvedic cooking and what was your inspiration to make this a big part of your journey?

I was introduced to Ayurveda through studies of yoga, there was no real inspiration it sort of just evolved. As I changed so did my approach to cooking and health.

What does it mean to prepare ‘Ayurvedic’ food to you and what sets this type of cooking apart from regular cooking practices?

To prepare Ayurvedic food is to approach your preparation and cooking with mindful awareness, giving full consideration to every step of the process and how the ingredients will interact enhance and balance each other,  how the finished dish will then affect those that are eating it. Consideration is given to stimulating the digestive fire or “Agni” through the subtle use of warming spices to prepare food that will not exaggerate any actions.

What is your favourite Ayurvedic spice, if you had to choose one and why?

Cardamon, I love the qualities, aroma and scent. I cant imagine a cup of tea without a pinch or two. :-)

Life is full of so much magic and beauty, what is it for you that bring’s the most joy each day?

Simplicity, I love just being.

If you could share one piece of kitchen advice with families around the world to inspire some wholesome loving cooking, what would it be?

Keep cooking for yourself and others, cooking is an act of loving kindness.

What are the key elements that make a difference in your daily life?

I like to be still and have time to contemplate, mainly I try to get through each day without upsetting anyone including myself. I always think at the end of each day whether I have achieved that and mostly I have so thats pretty cool.

Finally, if you had one wish for humanity and the world at this current time, what would it be?

Mutual love and respect. I think if we can all respect each others uniqueness and extend loving kindness towards each other. We all grow up differently reaching stepping stones in our own time, so if we can allow that growth to happen naturally and not try to control, govern or force to much.

Stephen has a beautiful Ayurvedic Cook Book with 88 Love-filled Recipes called ‘The Ayurvedic Kitchen’ that you can purchase from his website.

Connect with Stephen for inspiration and wisdom on the path of Ayurveda, cooking and love on his website & facebook page.

“Ecstasy is experienced through expansion. The ecstasy of food is waiting for you to dance & play with it, to get excited.
Allow that feeling to flow from within. When your cup is full, it will overflow! Let the pot catch it. This is the gift that nature’s abundance has to share when you take the time to get to know it.”  
~ Chef Stephen Galpin

Thankyou Stephen, such an honour to spend some time with you!

x Lorien



Life changing daily practice – Tongue Scraping

Have you ever wondered what Tongue Scraping is all about?

Have you ever woken up with a coating on your tongue first thing in the morning?

Have you ever experienced bad breath and toxic build up in your body or noticed someone else’s?

…The ancient and simple Ayurvedic practice of Tongue Scraping is here to save the day! :)

This is such a wonderful simple daily routine.

I have been a tongue scraper for the past 10 years… and I don’t know where I’d be without it! :)

Enjoy this little piece of tongue scraping video inspiration I put together to inspire those of you who are still on the fence and clarify some points for those who are totally new to it.

For the wonderful folk who are already switched onto this wonderful simple practice, feel free to leave some of your own words of tongue scraping wisdom in the comments under the video, share your story, spread the tongue scraping love so that our fellow brothers and sisters can get in on this wonderful preventative, cleansing, satisfying practice! :)


x Love Lorien

Saffron Warm Milk!

Warm Ayurvedic Milk with Saffron, Cinnamon & Fennel!

A super-charged, Ojas boosting , yummy, rejuvenating, warming, reproductive tissue-nourishing Ayurvedic drink!

Milk: Dairy milk can be very nourishing for the deeper tissues in the body, particularly the reproductive system. When using milk, consider it as being ‘medicine’.  This means that we want to honour the milk and take it with awareness and moderation.

A few tips to make your milk easier to digest:

  1. Always boil your milk. Milk is heavy and cool in nature and through the process of heating milk and consuming it while warm, we make the milk warmer, lighter and easier to digest. The process of heating milk also purified the milk, making it more potent and digestion friendly!
  2. Always use organic, un-homogenised Jersey milk where possible. The milk from Jersey cows is called ‘A2’ milk and this milk has been shown to be easier to digest than the milk that comes from ‘fresian’ cows, a different breed. In India, the cows that provide milk are Jersey cows. It is important to use un-homogenised milk as the process of homogenisation spins the fat particles so fast that they get dispersed and separated. When the body takes in this milk that has been altered, it doesn’t know what to do with it, as the particles don’t match up the way they ought too. This creates an inability for the body to digest the milk and can cause a range of upsets and intolerances to dairy.
  3. Add spices to make the milk easier to digest, improve your digestion and allow for proper nourishment to occur. Spices such as Cardamon, Cinnamon, Ginger, Fennel and Saffron go wonderfully with milk and they taste and smell delicious!
  4. Drink as medicine and use in moderation. A warm milk before bed is wonderful simple remedy to calm and sooth the nervous system, nourish the tissues, rejuvenate the reproductive system and build up ‘Ojas’, which is like our ‘life-force’, essence, juice, glow, joy in life!

Art by: Devendra Sharma

Happy Spicing and boiling friends! :)

Feel free to write a message for any further questions on Milk!

(A comments section on the website shall be installed soon!) :)

x Love Lorien

Wholesome ‘Carob Chocolate’ Recipe!

For those choosing to eat a path of Wholefoods, avoiding excess stimulation to the nervous system, avoiding processed sugars and unhealthy hydrogenated oils, then the prospect of finding some ‘Chocolate’ pleasure to share with your love (or simply your beautiful self!) might seem unnerving.

In Ayurvedic medicine, Chocolate is considered to be heating for the body and easily over-stimulating to the nervous system (brain) which really needs to stay cool, calm & collected! Due to these and some other reasons, Chocolate is not something you will find your Ayurvedic practitioner generally prescribing.

A big part of Ayurveda’s holistic approach is about maintaing balance not become too ‘rigid’ or stuck in one thing or another.

We always have wholesome choices we can make however. When it comes to eating ‘treats’ and things of a ‘Chocolaty’ kind… This is the way I like to do it!


  • 10 tblsp’s of Coconut oil
  • 3-4 Tbsp’s of Carob powder
  • 1 Tbsp of Tahini/Almond butter or Sunbutter
  • 1/4 tsp of Sea salt
  • Dash of Vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp of Cinnamon powder (In Ayurveda this helps the body digest Sweet foods & improves circulation)
  • Major ingredient, LOVE!

*To set the Chocolate’s you can use an ice-cube tray (one with silicon at the bottom for ease is best!)


  1. Melt Coconut oil and pour into a bowl.
  2. Add your Carob to the bowl and mix with your favorite spoon.
  3. Add Tahini, Almond butter or Sunbutter and stir thoroughly. (We want the consistency as smooth as possible!)
  4. Next add the vanilla, cinnamon, salt and stir.
  5. Pour your mix into your chosen chocolate mould or ice cube tray and place the chocolates in the freezer for approx 30mins to allow them to set!

When they are ready to serve, pop out the hearts and enjoy these real – wholefood sweet treats!

An easy peazy, simple, homemade creation that will satisfy your Chocolate taste-buds & leave you feeling balanced and calm after-wards!

*Carob is naturally sweet. This recipe is 100% sugar free and sweetener free as this is how I love to make them 95% of the time! J To make these chocolate treats a little sweeter or for a special occasion, you can add a dash of maple syrup – both delicious and slightly different! J

* Customise your choclates by adding a few Goji berries on top, some currants, desiccated coconut or whatever your tummy, heart and taste-buds desire! Yum! 

With Love!

x Lorien


Summer Fresh Salad!

Fresh organic crispy cos lettuce (hydrating & rich in chlorophyll for the blood), Organic home sprouted Moong bean sprouts (protein source, enzymes), fresh organic Coriander (cooling/balances the fire element ‘pitta’ in the body, great for the skin), organic red capsicum (yummy!), Avocado (healthy oils, fats & deliciousness!) and love!

x Yummm!!!

Ginger Water for Digestion

Ginger water opens the channels known as ‘Srotas’ in Ayurveda, burns up excess toxins known as ‘Ama’ and improves the power of your digestive fire, known as ‘Agni’ in Ayurveda! Yay!

Particularly great during the cooler months of the year when the channels of the body naturally start to contract with the cold environment. Ginger water will balance this and keep things flowing freely.


  • 1 tsp of Certified Organic (for best results for you & the planet) Dry Ginger powder.
  • 2 cups of purified water


  1. Boil the Ginger powder and water in your pot.
  2. Allow to cool until a good warm drinking temperature
  3. Serve straight or with 1/2 a tsp of raw, unprocessed sugar known as Jaggery or Rapadura for a dash of wholesome sweetness with your Ginger!

*Freshly grated or sliced Ginger can also be used to warm the body and improve digestion. For the purpose of this remedy, using the powdered Ginger has a stronger effect on warming the tissues of the body and improving digestion.

To healthy, happy free flowing channels and balanced digestion! 


x Lorien

Recipe: Golden Ayurvedic Besan Flour Breakfast Pancakes

Besan (chickpea flour) pancakes are a beautiful Ayurvedic meal that can be enjoyed any time of the day.

Particularly grounding and yummy for a light breakfast.

Simple to make and a great source of protein to support and nourish your tissues, while being light and easy to digest. Perfect!

Simple Besan Flour Pancake Recipe:

Organic Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of Besan Flour (Hint: …It looks yellow.)
  • 2.5 cups of filtered water
  • 1/2 a small Red Onion chopped finely
  • 1/2 tsp of Cumin seeds
  • 1/4 tsp of Himalayan good quality salt.
  • Some black pepper to taste
  • Ghee
  • A mixing bowl & wooden spoon.
  • A good quality stainless steel, cast iron or ‘healthy’ non-stick pan. (Important not to use teflon or poor quality as you will end up eating the toxic plastic or Aluminium which is not worth having for breakfast!)
  • Love!


  1. Take your mixing bowl and add the Besan flour. With your wooden spoon, smooth out any lumps and bumps in the flour as much as possible.
  2. Add your water and stir into a smooth batter.
  3. Add your Onion, Cumin, Salt & Pepper.
  4. Start heating your pan and add approx 1/2 tsp of Ghee.
  5. When the Ghee is warm, pour some of the mixture into the pan to create your first pancake. Yay! Let it cook until it bubbles around the edges and in the middle slightly, then flip it over.
  6. Cook until golden brown on both sides…
  7. Serve with some fresh greens, some Chutney or a side of steamed vegies for something more substantial.


Delicious, nutritious, QUICK, simple, yummy, healthy Besan Flour Ayurvedic Pancakes that the whole family will enjoy!

(Note: Add more water if needed to make your desired consistency. Coconut oil can be used as an alternative to Ghee, however has a different effect on the body and different taste. This recipe really lends itself to Ghee!)

Enjoy with love & gratitude!

x Lorien

 “Let thy food be thy medicine.”


Quinoa & Moong Bean Vegetarian Stew Recipe

Ingredients (2 Serves):

  • 1 cup of Moong Beang’s soaked in water for approx 24 hours, then rinsed & strained.
  • 1 cup of Quinoa (mixed red & white variety).
  • 1 cup of Pumpkin cut into cubes.
  • A few freshly chopped green leaves of Kale or Spinach
  • 1.5 tsp’s of Freshly chopped or grated Ginger
  • 1/2 tsp of Turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp of Cumin seeds
  • A pinch of Fennel seeds
  • 1/2 tsp of Coriander seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of Ghee or Coconut oil
  • 1 tsp of Himalayan salt
  • Black pepper
  • 6 cups of Hot water (4 cups for Moong & 2 cups for Quinoa).
  • Freshly chopped Parsley or Coriander to garnish.

Method: ~ Moong Bean Vegie Stew

  1. In a pot place your Ghee or Coconut oil and warm until the oil is melted.
  2. Add your Cumin, Coriander and Fennel seeds and allow them to toast and start to ‘pop’.
  3. Add your Ginger and Turmeric Powder and stir until they are mixed together. (Approx 20 seconds will be a good amount of time).
  4. Add your Moong beans and stir. Allowing the spices and the beans to toast and mix together.
  5. Add your Pumpkin and stir it into the mix.
  6. Add your hot water and continue to stir regularly for approx 15 mins.
  7. Add your fresh Kale & Spinach and stir.
  8. Add your Himalayan Salt & a few pinches of black pepper.
  9. Allow to cook like this until the Pumpkin and Beans are soft, then turn off the heat and place a lid on the pot to let the flavours develop and the beans and pumpkin to become nice and soft. Now let it sit, whilst you prepare your Quinoa!

Method: ~ Quinoa

  1. Take your Quinoa and place in your pot.
  2. Dry toast your Quinoa in the pot for a few minutes until the Quinoa becomes warm and starts to make ‘toasty’ sounds.
  3. Add approx 2 cups of hot water. Enough water so that it sits above the Quinoa. You may need to add more as it cooks. If so, add it little by little.
  4. Add a pinch of Himalayan salt for minerals.
  5. Allow to boil. No need to stir Quinoa. Just let it boil and bubble away.
  6. Cook for 10-15 minutes like this until the Quinoa grains have expanded and the water is almost fully evaporated.
  7. Turn off the heat and place a lid on top and allow to sit for another 7-10 minutes. (If you have too much water still, then continue to cook for a bit longer, before turning it off and putting the lid on.)

Voila, by now you will have fluffy yummy Quinoa & a juicy wholesome Moong Bean Stew!

To serve, add Quinoa to your bowl, then next to it, your Moong Bean stew & garnish with some freshly chopped Coriander or Parsley. It is ready to eat!

Enjoy! :)

x Lorien

Ayurvedic Turmeric Chai Recipe

Immune boosting deliciousness…

Turmeric is a natural ‘anti-biotic’, anti-inflamitory super spice!

Traditionally ‘Chai’ is made using black tea, Cow’s milk and a lot of sugar. These traditional Chai recipes can have their place. In India Chai is a social currency and without the black tea, milk and sugar it is quite possible that the train stations would stop and India would come to a stand-still. It really is a huge part of life and if you have ever sampled the Chai over there, you will know that it can be quite addictive!

This ‘Spiced Turmeric’ Chai Recipe is a delicious ‘medicinal’ (yet still so yummy) Chai that is warming, grounding, nourishing and calming all year round, through each season and time of the day or night.

It can be made with fresh Almond milk, Rice Milk or purely on water for a ‘dairy-free’ alternative or with a Organic Unhomogenised Cow’s milk for a more grounding, rich brew.

The choice of milk is up to you. Listen to your body and what it feels would be most balancing. Using the purest quality Organic Spices will make a difference, allowing for not only greater nutritional goodness within the spices to be available for your body, good quality spices will also offer greater flavour, aroma and will give your Chai a touch of magic!


  • Fresh Turmeric Powder
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Cardamon pods
  • Cinnamon powder & or stick.
  • Cloves (optional)
  • Nutmeg (optional)
  • Fennel seeds
  • Rice Milk (Organic Un-homogenised Cow’s milk can also be used).

The secret to this Chai is to use an abundance of fresh Ginger! You can grate the Ginger or slice it finely. The quantity is up to you.


  1. Pour 2 cups of milk (or water) into your pot
  2. Add fresh ginger
  3. Add a teaspoon of cardamon
  4. Add a 1/4 of teaspoon of cinnamon
  5. Add a pinch of Nutmeg
  6. Add a few cloves
  7. Add a pinch of fennel seeds
  8. Add 1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric powder and stir
  9. Allow to boil, then allow to cool down before straining & serving!


Happy spicing, drinking & loving!

Simple One Pot Kitchari Recipe


Kitchari Recipe

Ingredients: Split Moong Dhal, Basmati rice, Cummin, Coriander, Coconut oil or Ghee, Himalayan Salt, Spinach! So easy to digest, nourishing & in Ayurvedic texts said to be a ‘complete protein’!

1. Add 1 tblsp Ghee or Coconut oil

2. Once melted, add 1/4 teaspoon of Cummin seeds & Coriander seeds. Allow to toast.

3. Add 1/2 a chopped Onion, a few slices of chopped Ginger & 1/2 a clove of chopped Garlic & toast. (Garlic & Onion is optional).

4. Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder & stir.

5. Add 2 cups of soaked & rinsed lentils.

6. Add 1 cup of rice.

7. Stir & toast in the spices for a few minutes to lighten the lentils & rice for improved digestion.

8. Add 8 cups of boiling water & stir. Allow to gently boil.

9. Add a pinch of Himalayan salt

10. Continue to stir regularly

11. When Rice & Moong become creamy, turn off the heat and add some freshly chopped Spinach and allow to sit for 15-20 minutes before serving. Adding the spinach last will ensure that it stays fresh and full of life force!

Serve with some chutney, fresh coriander on top & a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to nourish all the six tastes and promote great digestion.

(Note: Add more water to make your Kitchari lighter and more cleansing, and slightly less if you want a heavier and more grounding meal.)