Simply finely chop or grate some fresh Ginger (organic is best!), place in our tea pot or cup and add hot water. Allow to sit and gain ‘gingery’ strength, then enjoy drinking it when it has cooled down to a warm temperature.
Ginger is regarded in Ayurvedic medicine as a wonderful healing herb/food that can be used on a daily basis. Ginger’s warming qualities are supportive to the digestive fire, boosting for the immune system, assists in nausea and morning sickness and at times when the body or mind is feeling heavy, lethargic and slugish. Since ginger is warming, it helps to improve circulation and allow toxins to be released from the channels within the body, allowing proper flow and harmony.
Ginger is such a wonderful food that can be used as a daily medicine. Enjoy cooking with ginger in soups, stir fry’s, dhal’s, kitchari and any other savoury dish, where you wish to add a gentle warming flavor. Enjoy sipping on warm fresh Ginger water through-out your day to keep your channels open and digestion strong.