Ginger Water for Digestion

Ginger water opens the channels known as ‘Srotas’ in Ayurveda, burns up excess toxins known as ‘Ama’ and improves the power of your digestive fire, known as ‘Agni’ in Ayurveda! Yay!

Particularly great during the cooler months of the year when the channels of the body naturally start to contract with the cold environment. Ginger water will balance this and keep things flowing freely.


  • 1 tsp of Certified Organic (for best results for you & the planet) Dry Ginger powder.
  • 2 cups of purified water


  1. Boil the Ginger powder and water in your pot.
  2. Allow to cool until a good warm drinking temperature
  3. Serve straight or with 1/2 a tsp of raw, unprocessed sugar known as Jaggery or Rapadura for a dash of wholesome sweetness with your Ginger!

*Freshly grated or sliced Ginger can also be used to warm the body and improve digestion. For the purpose of this remedy, using the powdered Ginger has a stronger effect on warming the tissues of the body and improving digestion.

To healthy, happy free flowing channels and balanced digestion! 


x Lorien